The Wisdom of Egypt.
Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic Essays in Honour of Gerard P. Luttikhuizen
Редакторы : Hilhorst A., van Kooten G.H.Приняли участие : Bakker H., Bolyki J., Bos A.P., Bremmer J.N., Czachesz I., Herrman J., Hilhorst T., Hogeterp A.L.A., Jakab A., Kugler R., Lanzillotta F.L.R., Loman J., Martínez F.G., Menken M.J.J., Meyer M.W., Noort E., Peerbolte B.J., Pesthy M., Roukema R., Tigchelaar E., Tubach J., te Velde H., van Dijk J., van Henten J.W., van Kooten G.H., van Ruiten J., van de Sandt H., van den Hoek A., van der Horst P.W., van der Vliet J.Год :2005 Количество страниц :574 Язык :Английский Категория :+ Не только о гнозисе Скачать : PdfПоддержать :
This collection of essays, published on the occasion of Gerard Luttikhuizen’s retirement, highlights the Egyptian subject-matter, background or provenance of many Jewish, Early Christian, and Gnostic texts. It covers a broad spectrum of themes, genres, and traditions. It shows that Egypt was a vibrant point of reference, sometimes even a focal point and cradle for Jews, Christians, and Gnostics and their thought. The first part of this book examines various aspects of the relation between Judaism and Egypt, mainly in the Graeco-Roman period. The second part deals with several connections between early Christianity and Egypt, whereas the third part considers Egypt as the place where many Gnostic texts were found. This collection pays homage to Gerard Luttikhuizen’s life-long interest in Egypt and Gnosticism.